Return of the Zombie Sims

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Re: Return of the Zombie Sims

Post by harryb »

Man I've been wondering what the deal is with the gross, sad smelly Sims I've seen in other neighbor's houses - I honestly thought people were just neglecting them, and it's ridiculous but it made me sad :(. I wish it was clearer in the game instructions that you should save to the cloud - I never thought about it. Thanks for posting this!
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Re: Return of the Zombie Sims

Post by Akmawmaw »

I just spent over a mil on those weather machines so my pools won't turn green. And I went to all the trouble of putting everyone to reading the longest time and saved and logged in and out and in of GC And FB and saved and saved again and..... But seriously that it just not gonna happen on a regular basis. Plus every time you collect your neighbor bonus it does a save so I'm not doing that every time. If my sims are zombies I apologize. I keep them inspired and save often and that's the best I can do. I go to neighbors houses that I know don't have zombie sims in their active game and their sims are zombies. I've just gotten used to it and ignore it. I've had people go check my game after I've done everything I thought I could to make them show up right and they were still zombied. Until there's a more reasonable way to prevent them, I'll just have to do the best I can. I think the game programmers could figure out how to prevent that from happening because it really is pretty sad to see.
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Re: Return of the Zombie Sims

Post by telemwill »

Frankly, if they can do it in Another Sim Town, they should be able to keep zombies out of all the saved data. I simply don't have the time to worry about it. Too much going on in real life right now.
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Re: Return of the Zombie Sims

Post by ErinPW »

blackbrit wrote:[snip]

Yes - it makes sense and is very helpful. I clearly need to go back and read Catherine's posts on cloud saves and auto saves though. I should know that when I have a Sim in another town that my game won't save itself. I don't know what I was thinking. :(

Off to see if I can upgrade my understanding. ;)
We should not forget, it's still a game. We play to relax from our real life :)
Hufflepuff Karen wrote:[snip]Every once in awhile, there might be somebody sleeping through the alarm when I do the 7 am save, so they would be waking up pretty soon, but you would think they wouldn't be zombies if they just woke up?
No, they are inspired if they just woke up. :) If I visit your town at this moment, and then stay for 18 or 24 hours, I might see them more depleted than the sims in Another Simtown. Thinking of a thread from Perturbee, it also depends on the level of your Tempest of Bliss.
harryb wrote:Man I've been wondering what the deal is with the gross, sad smelly Sims I've seen in other neighbor's houses - I honestly thought people were just neglecting them, and it's ridiculous but it made me sad :(. I wish it was clearer in the game instructions that you should save to the cloud - I never thought about it. Thanks for posting this!
I guess, it's not mentioned because the game is supposed to save automatically every time we use the partyboat. So, at least one time a day, when we collect the gifts. The autosave does not work properly. But many people rely on it.
Akmawmaw wrote:[snip]Until there's a more reasonable way to prevent them, I'll just have to do the best I can. I think the game programmers could figure out how to prevent that from happening because it really is pretty sad to see.
We can't do more.
telemwill wrote:Frankly, if they can do it in Another Sim Town, they should be able to keep zombies out of all the saved data.I simply don't have the time to worry about it. Too much going on in real life right now.
That's what I'm thinking all the time since the social update. The sims in Another Simtown don't change at all, while my sim is there. When I'm in a friends town for a long time goal, the sims can be much more depleted.

As I answered to blackbrit already, we should not forget, it's still a game. We play to relax from our real life :)
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Re: Return of the Zombie Sims

Post by blackbrit »

Quote by ErinPW:
We should not forget, it's still a game. We play to relax from our real life :)
So true, Neighbor. But... inadvertently sending our little people off to pee all over themselves somehow sends many of us around the bend, no matter how silly. :D Perhaps I need more time to relax from real life!

Continuing down this silly avenue.... :D when we first access our party boat to begin a task at our neighbor's, is it true that this access of the party boar over-writes our previous manual save, at least as far as creating the save our neighbor's use? This isn't 100% clear to me.
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Re: Return of the Zombie Sims

Post by ErinPW »

blackbrit wrote:Quote by ErinPW:
We should not forget, it's still a game. We play to relax from our real life :)
So true, Neighbor. But... inadvertently sending our little people off to pee all over themselves somehow sends many of us around the bend, no matter how silly. :D Perhaps I need more time to relax from real life!

Continuing down this silly avenue.... :D when we first access our party boat to begin a task at our neighbor's, is it true that this access of the party boar over-writes our previous manual save, at least as far as creating the save our neighbor's use? This isn't 100% clear to me.
If the autosave works at that moment, it over-writes your manually save, yes. While your sim is working at a neighbours town in your live game, this new cloud-save keeps your journey sim at home without task.
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Re: Return of the Zombie Sims

Post by SIMazing »

I don't use my facebook account to save anymore (haven't in months), just my GC. Will that zombify my sims? Has anyone been to my town lately and know how my sims are doing?
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