1) First Mystery Box Shop goal didn't trigger when completed. Good news is, it can be skipped with 5 LP. I got past it by downloading old data onto another device (which actually cost me 6 LP to catch up ). This time I got a different goal and it triggered correctly when I finished it.
HFN 1: Starter House with haunted upstairs, 1 firepole: (22 West Side)
HFN 2 -Clue House with 4 firepoles: on island behind Tempest of Bliss (3 Bliss Drive)
2) Occasionally, my sims doing hobbies will suddenly stop doing their hobby, and walk away before they finish the task. So no pop-up for them or award.
HFN 1: Starter House with haunted upstairs, 1 firepole: (22 West Side)
HFN 2 -Clue House with 4 firepoles: on island behind Tempest of Bliss (3 Bliss Drive)
With regard to the gardening bugs, I just noticed today that when you get double charged for gardening (at the end), the plot yield is less (2/3) than expected. Talk about insult to injury!
Not updated and Not playing! (please excuse zombies)
The only bug I am aware of right now is that my game keeps freezing on me which forces me to close it and restart it all the time. Makes me wonder how I'm going to get everything completed on time.
GC: TARDIS Rose (Closed)(Not Updated)
Wildlife Sanctuary: 3 West Oceanside
Haunted House/Maze: 12 West Side / 1 West Oceanside
HFN (In Progress): 2 West Oceanside
The house boat dog still is on the water all the time and refuses to come on board no matter with which item I call him.
Facebook: Nevasa Simm (please PM me on this board, if you want me to add you as a friend, I'm not using facebook Messenger on a regular basis)
Hounted House: 1 Diver's Way
HNF/Rendeer Farm: 3 Firehouse Road
Version: Christmas in London
The general goal use a 3 star tv does not complete. The wording is have a sim try out a 3 star tv. Others have complained they cannot get past this goal too. I skipped it and was rewarded with 100 Simoleons
Not updated and Not playing! (please excuse zombies)