Daily mail reward

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Daily mail reward

Post by kyiori »

How much daily mail reward did you guys get?

I know some players, their town value is lower than mine, yet they are getting a lot more simoleons than me.

Is that a bug? I started the game 7 week ago.
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Re: Daily mail reward

Post by bloodcool »

kyiori wrote:How much daily mail reward did you guys get?

I know some players, their town value is lower than mine, yet they are getting a lot more simoleons than me.

Is that a bug? I started the game 7 week ago.
Games that were started before year 2013 or December 2012 have high daily rewards, those started later has a lower rewards
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Re: Daily mail reward

Post by kyiori »

bloodcool wrote:
kyiori wrote:How much daily mail reward did you guys get?

I know some players, their town value is lower than mine, yet they are getting a lot more simoleons than me.

Is that a bug? I started the game 7 week ago.
Games that were started before year 2013 or December 2012 have high daily rewards, those started later has a lower rewards
why the new players are getting the slash for daily reward?
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Re: Daily mail reward

Post by animagif »

kyiori wrote:
bloodcool wrote:
kyiori wrote:How much daily mail reward did you guys get?

I know some players, their town value is lower than mine, yet they are getting a lot more simoleons than me.

Is that a bug? I started the game 7 week ago.
Games that were started before year 2013 or December 2012 have high daily rewards, those started later has a lower rewards
why the new players are getting the slash for daily reward?
You will need to ask Firemonkey about that. No one has the answer.
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Re: Daily mail reward

Post by kyiori »

Is it possible to use 2012 game version and start a new game to increase my daily reward? :roll: Afterward, i upgrade to the latest version.
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Re: Daily mail reward

Post by bloodcool »

kyiori wrote:
bloodcool wrote: Games that were started before year 2013 or December 2012 have high daily rewards, those started later has a lower rewards
why the new players are getting the slash for daily reward?
They (Firemonkeys) said it's meant to balance the game economy
kyiori wrote:Is it possible to use 2012 game version and start a new game to increase my daily reward? :roll: Afterward, i upgrade to the latest version.
I highly doubt so, because the game will do a cross-check with game server... if your version is too far away, you will be forced to update before starting the game
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Re: Daily mail reward

Post by nogard0 »

nope they arent back loadable or loadable singly. its update upon update upon update etc.and i bet the original isnt available anymore .
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Re: Daily mail reward

Post by kyiori »

any good way to earn simoleon beside sending your sims to work, gardening, baking, hobby? these doesn't earn a lot of simoleon. in this rate it's hard to afford 2 story mansion.
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Re: Daily mail reward

Post by bmb_SFP »

kyiori wrote:any good way to earn simoleon beside sending your sims to work, gardening, baking, hobby? these doesn't earn a lot of simoleon. in this rate it's hard to afford 2 story mansion.
I built a "community lot" with woodworking and fashion designing rooms amongst other bits. It's one of my HFN. If I have the time to sit and hover I send my woodworking and fashion designing sims there and put them all on the 4 min tasks. I send my 2 toddlers there as well to play with all the toys and it frees up the adults to go to work/hobby elsewhere.

This morning in 45 mins I made about $20,000 from 3 woodworkers and 2 fashion designers. Having saved up $1,500,000 for a fire pole over a while I finally bought it last week & literally had less than $100 in the bank, I'm now up to $262,000ish. Yesterday I think I only played for about 30 mins, maybe an hour so it can add up quite quickly.

Fire boat at 2 fortune docks with fire pole and hoses. HFN at 1 & 4 West Oceanside with all required items for social goals including pets & fribees! Haunted house at 20 Westside with all ghost hunting items.
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Re: Daily mail reward

Post by Delphine »

You can also use the supermarket. I buy at least 1000 corn every couple of days (and 25 oignons, and so on), saving more than 1000 $ at the same Time. A the end of the month, it is a bit interesting for a few minutes each Time.
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