Yes, I do this too!Lishws720 wrote:OK, maybe I have way too much time on my hands, but I've always loved looking at house plans, so this game fulfills my nerdy house-planning dreams! I do draw the floor plans of some of my houses on graph paper before I create them. Does anyone else plan their houses?
Also, I've used the seven beach (double) lots in my main town to build a pastel rainbow. My far left beach house (which is also a near model of the home I really live in) is purple with the purple roof, the next one is indigo, then blue, then green, then across the waterway I have my yellow, orange (peach), and pink (well, I demolished the pink one in anticipation of the Teen Idol house, which I will build there and make pink). Does anyone else plan their communities in some way?
It means the first thing I do is have lots of empty rooms. I'm sure it looks weird for any visiting neighbours, but then I gradually fill up the rooms according to my plan when I can afford to.
I've also still got a few empty plots which I have planned out, but nothing exists yet in the game. - When it's all done it will be great though. I'm definitely playing the long game here.