Completed island quest then crashed and now....

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Completed island quest then crashed and now....

Post by Sambie »

I hope someone can help.....
I completed the island my statue and goodies ....then
I sent a sim to a neighbour and the game crashed. When I logged back in my clock had gone back....I lost all my goodies from the treasure chest and now the game does not recognise the island is built, with a goal to build it and I had already built the air monument but thats gone too now....
Have done the updates and contacted firemonkeys but have not heard anythjng and it's been over 28 days now.
So stuck and frustrated....can anyone help??
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Re: Completed island quest then crashed and now....

Post by bloodcool »

unfortunately, if you did not make a save to the cloud, there is nothing much you could do...

there's a chance a cloud save is automatically done when you visit the party boat to send the Sim to neighbor, you can try to download that cloud save...

however, if you have manually save to cloud after that crash, then i can't offer anymore choices... sorry
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Re: Completed island quest then crashed and now....

Post by Sambie »

Thanks...problem is my cloudsave still doesn't work properly. Says can't connect and doesn't give me option to download data...says already downloaded and data the same...even if its not. I used to play on tablet and phone but then couldnt download to phone after neighbour update.
Thank you for replying ;-)
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Re: Completed island quest then crashed and now....

Post by Lishws720 »

I used to not be able to save to the cloud, too, but then I checked my Facebook and Game Center statuses on the Sims FreePlay and found one or both weren't logged in. After I logged in on both of them, I'm now able to use the cloud and save my game. Have you tried this?
AliciaWS720 on Game Center: §418 mil town value, VIP 10, level 55. Started as a new game during the DIY update. Special thanks to all of you very creative people on this forum for inspiration in designing houses!

My game is fully updated on iOS.
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