ZeeGee wrote:Nandireya, how are you liking Sims 3? Pros and cons? Thinking of buying...
I can't really say. I've been so busy trying to transfer everything over to my new computer when I'm not at work I haven't had a lot of time to play it. Though, in the few times I have I have found it quite glitchy. It crashes nearly every time I play it. Very annoying when it takes so long to load.
When it does load it runs fairly smoothly. There's no load screens when you follow your sim from one location to another. There's a lot more options for stuff...clothes, hair, furnishing. There doesn't appear to be a sim limit. You can customise their personality and looks to a far greater degree. You can give them five seperate traits and completely alter their body shape and facial features...though not their height.
You can have as many kids as you want. They grow and age on their own unless you switch the aging off. So no need to bake birthday cakes...though you can do that too. You can go from baby all the way to elderly. You can choose their level of free will...they'll eat, sleep, take care of their hygiene and go to work on their own or you can completely control every aspect of their lives. You can pick and choose their goals.
It's not as instinctive to play as Freeplay. I find it difficult to build things and turn things. You can't switch from one household to another easily. If you do, the household you were playing with will lose all their goals. They can intermingle to a degree...you can visit your neighbours, become friends with them, invite them over, but you can't switch to the neighbour while doing this.
I'm hoping Sims 4 will be a combination of the two. The greater scope if Sims 3 with the ease of gameplay of Freeplay.