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Post by maggie »

Can someone please explain to me about the goals for the keys
I have completed the last 2 weeks goals, but it's telling me I have not unlock any keys yet!?

I received the XP SP when I completed the goals in time before it ended for that week. But I don't see any keys . When I click a box nothing happens.

I am confused can't understand how this part of the game is played to get the keys to unlock
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Re: Key

Post by Palmjill »

Have a look at Perturbee's blogpost. ... ed_15.html

When you finish the goals for the week, you should get a popup saying you earned a key. When you click on the mystery box shop tab (within your blue goal window), you should have a tally at the top of how many keys you have collected. Unless you accidentally spent the keys already? Some people mentioned this in another thread.
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Re: Key

Post by maggie »

How could of we accidentally spent the key ?
As when I finished the goals I get pop up but nothing saying I got a key

Something wired happening with that part of my game . As I look at it last night after posting now it's telling me I have 3 days left to complete goals .

Since last Thursday when new goals open I completed them already .

Thank you so much for your reply as I thought playing this part of the game was just like you said above.
But I never get pop up telling me I have gained a key .
Thanks shall look at that link
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Re: Key

Post by HordePrime »

maggie wrote:As I look at it last night after posting now it's telling me I have 3 days left to complete goals .
Since last Thursday when new goals open I completed them already .
Are you sure completed all the goals? - It needs to say 100% at the bottom of the goal box.
I think there are 20 you need to do each week. IIRC, you get some XP after the first 5, simeoleans after 10 and some LP at 15. Only when you've done 20 do you get the key.

Sometimes (after visiting a neighbour town) the game can have a hiccup where part of it reverts to an earlier time. This can cause goals to be reset, meaning you have to do them again. Sometimes it can even go back two or three goals. Did this happen to you?

Re: Key

Post by hiser1974 »

HordePrime wrote: Are you sure completed all the goals? - It needs to say 100% at the bottom of the goal box.
I think there are 20 you need to do each week. IIRC, you get some XP after the first 5, simeoleans after 10 and some LP at 15. Only when you've done 20 do you get the key.

Sometimes (after visiting a neighbour town) the game can have a hiccup where part of it reverts to an earlier time. This can cause goals to be reset, meaning you have to do them again. Sometimes it can even go back two or three goals. Did this happen to you?
I had this kind of hiccup happen yesterday and I wasn't even visiting a neighbor at that time.
The goals jumped back in time, rest of the game wasn't affected.This meant doing 3 goals again, one of them was a 24H one (bake danish). Hopefully this doesn't happen to often.
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Re: Key

Post by Palmjill »

hiser1974 wrote: I had this kind of hiccup happen yesterday and I wasn't even visiting a neighbor at that time.
The goals jumped back in time, rest of the game wasn't affected.This meant doing 3 goals again, one of them was a 24H one (bake danish). Hopefully this doesn't happen to often.
Same thing happened to me just 2 days ago, but I had a Sim out of town. She had already finished her task but when I tried to send her home by clicking on the globe, she wouldn't go home and I found my home goals reset by a day, about 10 goals in all including grow strawberries and hang out at the park!

Thankfully I managed to get her home with the home arrow, and the neighbour goals were ok. Also had my hobby rewards reset by a day, and lost all the LPs I earned. Was so relieved to have my sim home that wasn't too upset. But sure hope it doesn't happen too often.
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Re: Key

Post by HordePrime »

It doesn't happen too often, but it is annoying.
I've tried to get into the habit of force-quitting the game and restarting it just before I visit a neighbour town. I don't know if this actually makes a difference, but it doesn't hurt!

A tip though for if it does happen; the goals will be the same as before. So, if you can remember them, you can stagger them so that they all complete a few minutes after each other, thus saving you time. For example, say you have a 24 hour goal followed by a 12 hour goal - don't wait until the 24 hour goal has finished before starting the next one, start it so that it finishes just after your 24 hour one did, and you've saved yourself 12 hours! (This is more important when doing the times mystery quests).
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Re: Key

Post by Desiree »

I think I lucked out and had the opposite happen to me a few days ago. I got a key and then was able to earn another key even though it was the same week and the countdown was still saying 4 days to new goals. I was really hoping I would be able to continue to earn keys without waiting, but it only happened the one time.

This sure is a glitchy game !
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Re: Key

Post by maggie »

HordePrime wrote:
maggie wrote:As I look at it last night after posting now it's telling me I have 3 days left to complete goals .
Since last Thursday when new goals open I completed them already .
Are you sure completed all the goals? - It needs to say 100% at the bottom of the goal box.
I think there are 20 you need to do each week. IIRC, you get some XP after the first 5, simeoleans after 10 and some LP at 15. Only when you've done 20 do you get the key.

Sometimes (after visiting a neighbour town) the game can have a hiccup where part of it reverts to an earlier time. This can cause goals to be reset, meaning you have to do them again. Sometimes it can even go back two or three goals. Did this happen to you?
Maybe that's what has been happening to my game also!

I finally completed all the goals got a pop up box telling me that I have a key! ( thinking about it now i never visited neighbours town this 2nd time around doing goals)

I am now way to apprehensive to click flashing mystery box in case I lose the key
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Re: Key

Post by Palmjill »

maggie wrote:
HordePrime wrote:
maggie wrote:As I look at it last night after posting now it's telling me I have 3 days left to complete goals .
Since last Thursday when new goals open I completed them already .
Are you sure completed all the goals? - It needs to say 100% at the bottom of the goal box.
I think there are 20 you need to do each week. IIRC, you get some XP after the first 5, simeoleans after 10 and some LP at 15. Only when you've done 20 do you get the key.

Sometimes (after visiting a neighbour town) the game can have a hiccup where part of it reverts to an earlier time. This can cause goals to be reset, meaning you have to do them again. Sometimes it can even go back two or three goals. Did this happen to you?
Maybe that's what has been happening to my game also!

I finally completed all the goals got a pop up box telling me that I have a key! ( thinking about it now i never visited neighbours town this 2nd time around doing goals)

I am now way to apprehensive to click flashing mystery box in case I lose the key
Glad you finally got a key. Hope your mystery box goals go smoothly after this. You should be starting a new week soon. My timer is already counting down to 22 hours :)
The mystery box icon just takes you to the store with a tally of your keys at the top.
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