Simolean Windfall...?

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Simolean Windfall...?

Post by PaQuilter »

I wanted to tell everyone what happened to me in case it would help someone else out. I put three of the premium houseboats on the island. Well the water in the pools kept turning green because I only use the island as a vacation spot and ghost hunting. I decided to delete the pools. When I did, it paid me over $500,000 for it. I almost fainted so I deleted all the pools from the premium houseboats. The best part is that it didn't reduce my Town Value either. Yippee... bet they'll fix that real fast. I had enough money to rebuild the pools and buy the rest of my weather machines. Hope it helps someone else out. :D
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Re: Simolean Windfall...?

Post by enkeli63 »

Whoa! That's awesome :) Thanks for the tip!!
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Re: Simolean Windfall...?

Post by hipmomx2 »

Anyone know if this still works? Cha Ching!
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Re: Simolean Windfall...?

Post by HordePrime »

I noticed this too. You get §553,500 for demolishing the pool on the Premium Houseboat.

But what you've got to remember is it's not just the water you're getting rid of, it's the Pool Interior and Pool Paving throughout that entire section.
So, although you can get the basic water back easily enough, the pavings can get pretty expensive, especially on the biggest Paver Width.

So it depends on what you want to achieve as to whether it's economically viable or not.

Re: Simolean Windfall...?

Post by hiser1974 »

I think it is the paving of the pool that comes with the boat that make it such an expensive pool.
I'm going to build my first houseboat just now. As a pool doesn't fit in the design I have planned I'm going to sell it.
That will make up for the generous spending I have been doing this past week 8-)
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Re: Simolean Windfall...?

Post by katgames »

Rebuilding it can be costly but it's about your need at the moment. Later you may have more money. Maybe you don't want the pool period. You can also build the pool back the way you want. This is not a glitch.. This is how it works with pools. Go figure. It increases town value cuz you get money. Always a got source for a loan if you have some pools. HA!
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Re: Simolean Windfall...?

Post by Akmawmaw »

I was happy to get rid of my pool. It freed up a weather machine that I was using there just to keep that pool clean. And really. A houseboat where it's always snowing? Even though I found that ironically amusing, it makes more sense to have it be sunny. Plus I have plenty of pita pools. Glad to get the moolah. Does anyone know what the house limit is? Want another houseboat but was waiting for the teen mansion first in case I'm near some sort of limit.
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Re: Simolean Windfall...?

Post by Lishws720 »

Akmawmaw wrote:I was happy to get rid of my pool. It freed up a weather machine that I was using there just to keep that pool clean. And really. A houseboat where it's always snowing? Even though I found that ironically amusing, it makes more sense to have it be sunny. Plus I have plenty of pita pools. Glad to get the moolah. Does anyone know what the house limit is? Want another houseboat but was waiting for the teen mansion first in case I'm near some sort of limit.
I think the house limit depends on your ranking in the game, but I believe the maximum is 31, just like Sims themselves. On the mainland, there are 16 standard lots and 7 premium lots, and one the island you have 4 houseboat lots and 4 premium lots. Hope this helps.
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