Desiree wrote:Thanks for the info. I think they are all so sick of working non stop to upgrade the town in perpetration for filming the Teen Idol network shows, that they would love to stop sewing for a minute and ice skate or dive at the pool.

LOL! Yeah, I think they'd enjoy that

Tonight I'm going to get started on my own snow park. I've been using neighbor ones for a while, but I'd really like to get my own finally! I have to time it so it'll complete when I am playing--just in case something goes weird. I'm always a little nervous about stuff like that because I don't want a bug to come along and ruin all my fun.
Anyhow, I currently have 2 ghost hunters who just completed mastering woodworking. I think I could send them to learn fashion design, but I also kind of like having a house full of ladies working on fashion!

I don't mean to be sexist, but they are very stylish ladies, so it makes sense. But sooner or later, two of them are going to have to brave woodworking and ghost hunting...
But yeah, the rotation plan works out really good for me because of the level-up boosts adding to town value, as well as the nice §§§, LP and exp boosts. I'm glad I started rotating my hobbyists around! I can't wait to get some more ice skaters, and divers (eventually!)