I need a baby, a toddler and maybe another teen in case the goals ask for them
I'm on Facebook! Just ask It might take me a while to answer, but I will
Level 55. TV: 124,171,224 HFN: Starter House Haunted House: 1 EastSide Tutti Frutti Update
Signature updated on March 17th, 2022
I'm on level 43 and have 31 people. I have 3 pre-teens and 2 teens. 8 households have couples; 4 with children; 2 with singles (although one of those is on survival mode on the Homeless Challenge at the mo.)
I'd like an extra child but the dilemma is who do you lose? For one day during 'baby glitch', I got to 32 but tried to be too clever and lost a favourite adult in the process...
Distinctly unimpressed with EA.
Actively playing my old game for as long as I can.
I've been playing for a month and have 'spun' my way up to Level 34.
Curently have 13 adults; 1 Toddler; 1 Pre-teen and 2 Teens.
Everything is going into construction at the moment, so most folk are living in very basic boxes. The Teens are jamming in my slightly haunted house, so it's chaos there The other two live in my one extravagance - a designer house! (Even I must have some pride).
Only 2 cats so far ... it's not enough ... I want more!
Level 37 with 22 sims in total; consisting of 1 toddler (gorgeous!) 2 pre-teens and 2 teens. I would like another toddler but the adults earn more..... Hmmmm big decision at I think level 42, too long to wait lol. Love this game
Level 49:- 32 sims; 16 households; 11 family units; 5 singles.
26 adults; 1 senior; 2 teens ; 2 pre-teens; 1 toddler
16 males; 16 females.
I could possibly manage 2 more sims and have all active in the time I get to play. In a perfect world I'd add a second senior and a second toddler - both male.
Distinctly unimpressed with EA.
Actively playing my old game for as long as I can.
At the moment I have 1 toddler, 2 preteens, 3 teens, a senior couple, and the rest are adults. I wish I could have more toddlers but I've already reached the limit (and I can't afford to unlock a baby with over 100 lp )
I am on level 45 and, thanks to reindeer LP glitch, I have 32 sims:
1 toddler
1 teenager
6 preteens
22 adults
2 oldies
I should age up some of my preteens but they are quite productive at the moment, diving and ice skating. I have one that is constantly studying so that she can achieve the highest level of education (I want that trophy).
In my original game, I have 18 adults ( one of whom will be made into a senior while the quests are on), 6 teens, 4 preteens, and 3 toddlers. I had it planned out so that I would have 6 preteens and 4 toddlers but with the seniors update, and the limited number of sims, that will have to wait.
My second game has 31 adults (2 of which will be seniors), 14 teens, 14 preteens, and 24 toddlers (because they're so cute!).