animagif wrote:Since you are so close to level 6, it would be a shame to quit now. I suggest for you to persevere and finish it and unlock the fishersim outfit and wallpaper. After that, move your sim to a much more rewarding activity.
Btw, fishing at level 5 goes up 1% every two 4 minute rounds.
I'm having the same problem - poor Seamus and Lee - one is level 4 (he actually caught my missing level 5 fish yesterday) and one is level 5/50%. I spent all day yesterday (working from home) with one of them in the park fishing in 4 minute intervals. Lee fished all day while Seamus was at work and then Seamus came in when Lee went to work. When I can't babysit them, if I set them up for the "unwind" interval for 1 hour, I noticed they get 1% each time there - so at least it's countable (Seamus is at 50%, so 50 more hours will get him to next level if I can't do 4 minutes and can only do the 1 hour thing).
I was focusing on getting fashion design finished this past week, so I had Irma designing in 1 hour or 4 minute intervals as much as I could while the guys fished for an hour. Irma finally finished and then I sent Arabella over to work with her, so they could finish the second set more quickly to get the lucky hat - that took a couple of hours yesterday. Now I'm done with fashion design - Arabella will go do something else, and Irma will keep her level 6. I'm going to convert her sewing room into a regular sewing room instead of having it full of FD dummies and when I make my internal community center, I'll put the extra ones there with a bunch of wood working benches so 10 Sims can hobby to their heart's content.
I have 3 divers and that is also very slow going, to get the diving boards, but I will keep going until I get them, then whoever gets level 6 first will stay there and the others will do something else. Focusing on diving now, fishing will be last.
I have 3 ice skaters (two are permanent - as their storyline calls for it), 4 wood workers (2 of them are permanent, also because of story line) and 1 level 8 ghost hunter. I don't do much ghost hunting, it's annoying and takes too long to get 5 LP, even with 3 or 4 of them working on it and I can't set them up to stay busy at it for an hour or longer. I finally got enough sign resources last night by making Cedric and Dora dizzy changing clothes for two hours (taking turns at a neighbor's to get more XP) so that I had to pay less than 30 LP to finish it. I had my woodworkers earning LP all day yesterday and told myself I was NOT going to spend 50 LP to finish the thing, but if I could get enough parts to get it down to 30, I would do it. So my teen mansion is currently under construction. I wanted it done in case Thanksgiving starts up with some other stupid quest this week.
Wood working is much better, they have different intervals to keep them busy or if I have time I can work them all through the grid in about 45 minutes, even with duplicates. The LP earning ratio is much better there. I do change out their hobbies, except for one or two of them, so they can earn their XP again, but all the non-level six Sims end up back at woodworking or ice skating.