Hobo Mugsy, Day Two, All Around Town:
Mugsy worked at the community center until they closed for the night, arranged a consignment for the crafts he made, and then went back to the abandoned shed for some rest. It was nearly a useless effort, though. He must have only slept three and a half hours on that park bench. He tossed and turned, thinking over and over that someone would come onto the lot and make him leave. Would it be a construction crew? Planners? Maybe someone from his old life, coming to seek revenge? At least he would make a good sum for his sculpted items. Maybe tomorrow he could figure out how to make one of those enchanted dolls...
In the morning, Mugsy was awaken by barking. The dog belong to one of the neighbors and had wandered into the lot. "You're tag says your name is Rudolf. Well, Rudy, I don't have any food or toys, but you're welcome to stay awhile." Rudolf made himself at home right away, and even dug up some valuable items, buried by the construction crew who had torn down the original house. Mugsy was happy to have someone to talk to, and especially happy to have the extra money.

- Rudolf, the dog, good morning
When Mugsy got to the community center that morning, he found quite a few sims buying his consignment items, and collected his profit so far. The woodworking benches were full of crafters attempting to make their own versions, so Mugsy had to come up with a different plan for making some money that day.
He took a long walk around town, and found himself at the Swimming Center. They were setting up for a dive class, but no one was using the pool yet. Mugsy twirled out of his rags, and prepared to do a Sim Tsunami, right there in his old shorts! The dive coach came running out, to stop him from dirtying the pool, but was too late. She jumped in and kicked him out - literally. She charged him a fine for jumping in without showering first, and demanded he leave. Mugsy grabbed his clothes, putting them on as he hurried out the center doors.

- Being kicked out of the pool
On his way back to the part of town with the community center, he found himself enticed by the aroma of a smoldering BBQ. He ventured into the town park, found some leftovers on a grill, and made himself a meal. As he sat down on the closest bench, he noticed a giant fish chasing a man across the pier, again and again. "Why doesn't this guy give up?" he wondered. After he ate, he interrupted the fellow to find out. To Mugsy's surprise, it was King Nick! Unlike his wife or son, who ran the town like a fine tuned machine, King Nick was easy going, and maybe a little crazy. He bet Mugsy that he couldn't be swallowed by Simsie, the giant fish, and strong enough to hang onto the fish that was on his fishing line too. He had to do it in only five fishing tries. If Mugsy failed, he had to leave town forever. If he succeeded, the king would sell him a subscription to a magazine, at a nice discount, of course. This made Mugsy laugh and he accepted.

- Making a deal with the crazy king
After buying some bait, he cast his line. Three tries went by without even a nibble from Simsie. For the fourth try Mugsy found out how big Simsie really was. Mugsy fought hard against the beast, and won. However, all that he had on his line was an Elmer wand. The king still kept his word and offered him 4 magazines for only s59.99. Mugsy took the deal, and stashed the magazines in his pocket, but cast his line out again. The King, wanting his fishing rod back, unhappily waited for him. When he pulled up a crab de can, the King became angry. "You must sell it to me!" Mugsy became scared, but agreed. The King gave him s500 for it, and Mugsy quickly left the park.
As mid-afternoon approached, the snow park seemed empty. Mugsy decided he wanted to try a relaxing skate. He searched the lodge for coffee and some skating gear, and then hurried to the ice rink for a warm up. Despite falling down over and over, a few sims threw Simoleons onto the ice as alms. They were laughing and enjoying his awkward technique. There was nearly s200 on the ice before the owner of the suit came along and demanded his clothes back. But Mugsy still smelled like the pungent giant fish, and so the owner soon realized he would have to have his suit cleaned. He reached down and collected s150 of Mugsy loot. Embarrassed, Mugsy changed in a hurry, and quickly left.
Mugsy had never felt so heartbroken and alone. He regretted his decision to try to stay in My Simtown. He headed to the community center to gather the remaining consignment money for his wooden art, and would then head out to the next simtown down the road. The total for all his work gave him nearly s2000, which he was sure would be enough to get him started. That's when he heard a noise upstairs like a toddler giggling. Kids weren't allowed near the woodworking benches, so he tiptoed up the stairs to find out what was going on.
A beautiful woman was there, chasing an enchanted doll! She caught Mugsy watching her and invited him to join her. He asked her how to make the dolls, and she explained. She also explained how to catch them. As he stretched his arms up, they had a brief feeling like they were dancing.

- Learning to catch the enchanted dolls
They giggled a little themselves, and then got to work on trying to create these expensive crafts. Mugsy gave the woman, named Mint, some money to have some of the enchanted materials. They chatted about life and how Mugsy got to be in her town. They felt a spark between them. Mugsy decided he would stay in the town a little longer. When it was closing time at the center, Mint admitted that she didn't know when she would be back. She was there to make toys for her missing dog, in hopes that he would return to her. "Hopefully Rudolf found a warm place to stay and hasn't been taken in by some dog thief!" she confided. Mugsy looked shocked. "Surely no one from
this town would keep your dog." he replied, as they went out the door. When he got back to the shed, he hugged and praised Rudolf for a good job of hunting that day, but he was never more torn.