Party Boat Sim Count Problem

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Party Boat Sim Count Problem

Post by LizInBklyn »

Started playing SFP recently, and encountered a problem a few days ago where one of my Sims became stuck in "Another Sim Town". (He was done with his task, but refused to come home. Visiting the other town made the game crash repeatedly.)

I restored to my last cloud save, which successfully brought my Sim back. However, when looking at the town map, the party boat still shows 1 Sim on it. This is only in the town map view; if I click on the boat, it correctly shows where all my Sims are.

Has this happened to anyone else? Any thoughts on how to fix?

(I did fill out a service request on the Firemonkeys website when this happened about 3 days ago. It's still "awaiting assignment to a support agent" though. Does anyone know how long it normally takes for a response to support requests?)
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Re: Party Boat Sim Count Problem

Post by ErinPW »

LizInBklyn wrote:Started playing SFP recently, and encountered a problem a few days ago where one of my Sims became stuck in "Another Sim Town". (He was done with his task, but refused to come home. Visiting the other town made the game crash repeatedly.)

I restored to my last cloud save, which successfully brought my Sim back. However, when looking at the town map, the party boat still shows 1 Sim on it. This is only in the town map view; if I click on the boat, it correctly shows where all my Sims are.

Has this happened to anyone else? Any thoughts on how to fix?

(I did fill out a service request on the Firemonkeys website when this happened about 3 days ago. It's still "awaiting assignment to a support agent" though. Does anyone know how long it normally takes for a response to support requests?)
The number at the partyboat usually shows how many neighbours you have. If you don't have neighbours except Another Simtown, you see the 1 next to the balloon at the top of the boat.

If I tap the partyboat, I don't see where my sims are, but the list of names from my neighbours.

Regarding response from the Firemonkeys I read it can take several weeks.

Hope, this helps :)
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Re: Party Boat Sim Count Problem

Post by nogard0 »

RE: "Regarding response from the Firemonkeys I read it can take several weeks."

try takes several months. there are over 8000 issues. and they just got to my number 978 a few weeks ago. and it was on the zendesk for 2 months.

you might get better response by writing them directly ... but do NOT count on it !!!
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Re: Party Boat Sim Count Problem

Post by LizInBklyn »

ErinPW wrote: The number at the partyboat usually shows how many neighbours you have. If you don't have neighbours except Another Simtown, you see the 1 next to the balloon at the top of the boat.
Ah, thank you! I entirely misunderstood the number, thinking it was like the Sim counts by the houses. I added my first other neighbor, saw the number go up, and now it all makes sense.

Thanks so much for clarifying. (I feel pretty dumb at the moment!)
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Re: Party Boat Sim Count Problem

Post by LizInBklyn »

nogard0 wrote:R
try takes several months. there are over 8000 issues. and they just got to my number 978 a few weeks ago. and it was on the zendesk for 2 months.
Eek! Good to know.

Even happier now that this was just confusion on my part and not an actual issue.
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Re: Party Boat Sim Count Problem

Post by PaQuilter »

Thanks so much for clarifying. (I feel pretty dumb at the moment!)

Gosh, don't feel dumb. I'm still learning things about this game every day. Glad you found the forum. It's my number one source for learning. :D
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Re: Party Boat Sim Count Problem

Post by babhiemiao29 »

pretty true!

Just dont stop asking questions!

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Re: Party Boat Sim Count Problem

Post by katgames »

LizInBklyn wrote: Ah, thank you! I entirely misunderstood the number, thinking it was like the Sim counts by the houses. I added my first other neighbor, saw the number go up, and now it all makes sense.

Thanks so much for clarifying. (I feel pretty dumb at the moment!)
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