Tempest of Bliss. To build, or not to build....

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Re: Tempest of Bliss. To build, or not to build....

Post by katgames »

dichantra wrote:I wonder if the needs were programed to drain quicker with this update to make us do this task .... i have wasted some lp's on this, but lukily not a lot & will no longer waste lp's. I wish they would do something to help us earn lp's, these seem to be the hardest thing to collect & I feel has got harder with each update.
HoardPrime wrote:I doubt the monument itself causes their needs to deplete. It could be however that part of the update was to make needs deplete more, so that people have to use the monument to compensate. Rather like how the town revenue was suddenly reduced when the monuments (and now the sign) gave us more cash. - It's 6 of one and half-a-dozen of the other.
telemwill wrote:I think this is probably the case. It seems like their needs sometimes drop a little now even when they are busy. I am betting finishing the monument off will get them back to normal.
Hmmmm.... Ya'll make a good case for the change being programmed in to motivate us to build that thing...but is the turtle helping? I'm not sure but what ya'll say does make sense. All I know for sure is their needs are depleted quicker than before... and I do not like it. If I keep them, busy I should not have to go thru all that bathrooming, etc. I'll think on this one.
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Re: Tempest of Bliss. To build, or not to build....

Post by Perturbee »

There has been a change in how the motives/needs drain works with the Mistery Island update onwards. Before these changes, Sims motives didn't drain if your Sim was always busy. After the update the Sims motives drain even if they're busy (albeit at a slower rate than when they're idle).

It is certain that this change was made to "promote" the building of the monument, what I don't know if these changes are effective from a certain level or not.

The Monument of Bliss does slow these drains down, but that's not very noticeable with only 0.5% per level. You can see the difference when having two games next to each other with one Tempest of Bliss at level 15 (=25%) and the other at level 0 or so.

I'll do some back to back testing with one game Tempest of Bliss at level 0, versus my regular games.
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Re: Tempest of Bliss. To build, or not to build....

Post by enkeli63 »

Perturbee wrote:There has been a change in how the motives/needs drain works with the Mistery Island update onwards. Before these changes, Sims motives didn't drain if your Sim was always busy. After the update the Sims motives drain even if they're busy (albeit at a slower rate than when they're idle).

It is certain that this change was made to "promote" the building of the monument, what I don't know if these changes are effective from a certain level or not.

The Monument of Bliss does slow these drains down, but that's not very noticeable with only 0.5% per level. You can see the difference when having two games next to each other with one Tempest of Bliss at level 15 (=25%) and the other at level 0 or so.

I'll do some back to back testing with one game Tempest of Bliss at level 0, versus my regular games.
Thanks so much!! I have started on my monument because I realized I need to if I want to eventually unlock the volcano. Anyhow, this morning my sims were left unattended for about half an hour and their needs didn't drain so much. I guess the other day when I noticed a big drop in their needs, I may have gone to bed earlier the night before and they were left idle for longer? I don't quite remember. Anyhow, I am building the monument now, and am in no hurry. It'll finish when it finishes, probably in a year or so! :lol:
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Re: Tempest of Bliss. To build, or not to build....

Post by blackbrit »

Thanks, everyone. It's very helpful to get your perspectives and experiences, as there seem to be a lot of variables in each of our games.

Perturbee, once again thanks for sharing your knowledge of the game. I am now convinced I have to bite the bullet and start working on the Tempest of Bliss, and not just let it build as slowly as I was. I thought it was hurting, but it's the UPDATE that messed up my Sims' needs. If I build the Tempest of Bliss I hope their needs will go back to where they were prior to the update. Ugh. The FM giveth, and the FM taketh away. :evil:

I think I should go back to playing cribbage on my favorite cribbage board. The rules don't change. But then what would happen to my poor little Sims? :o
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Re: Tempest of Bliss. To build, or not to build....

Post by Desiree »

katgames wrote:I'm at Level 15 and that turtle shall remain headless. If I could start unbuilding I would. I truly believe it drains... something drains more. it used to be if I kept my Sims busy, planting, reading, doing something they did not deplete. Now they do. Across the board they deplete. If I could not play for a time, I hibernated them and they always awoke in same state. Now they do not. It may be only one or two needs that are down but you still have to mess with it. What's changed? An update and those monuments. Either it was built into the update or it's the damn turtle!
I agree, mine drain much faster. After I noticed I decided to go to the next level when it came up, hoping it was a glitch with the particular level I was on, but it's only gotten worse. Also some of my sims drain faster than others, have no idea why.

The headless turtle is creeping me out, so I might keep going with updating it, not sure.
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Re: Tempest of Bliss. To build, or not to build....

Post by Rosie_58 »

The headless turtle is creeping me out too! But those darn wind resources are very few and far in between...
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Re: Tempest of Bliss. To build, or not to build....

Post by ZeeGee »

Rosie_58 wrote:The headless turtle is creeping me out too! But those darn wind resources are very few and far in between...
Haha, me too. I just don't go over there much
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Re: Tempest of Bliss. To build, or not to build....

Post by Perturbee »

As promised, a comparison of Level 0 versus Level 70 of Tempest of Bliss.

If you keep your Sims busy as much as possible, the difference is minimal. So Tempest of Bliss only affects idle Sims.

My experiment on two different devices, level 0 has phone layout, level 70 tablet layout, so the bars are slightly different:
Tempest of Bliss Drain Test
Tempest of Bliss Drain Test
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Re: Tempest of Bliss. To build, or not to build....

Post by enkeli63 »

Perturbee wrote:As promised, a comparison of Level 0 versus Level 70 of Tempest of Bliss.

If you keep your Sims busy as much as possible, the difference is minimal. So Tempest of Bliss only affects idle Sims.

My experiment on two different devices, level 0 has phone layout, level 70 tablet layout, so the bars are slightly different:
Thank you so much for doing this!!!
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Re: Tempest of Bliss. To build, or not to build....

Post by animagif »

Perturbee wrote:As promised, a comparison of Level 0 versus Level 70 of Tempest of Bliss.

If you keep your Sims busy as much as possible, the difference is minimal. So Tempest of Bliss only affects idle Sims.

My experiment on two different devices, level 0 has phone layout, level 70 tablet layout, so the bars are slightly different:
Thank a lot for this Perturbee! It seems the monument does work as advertised.
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