Do bunnies give money?

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Re: Do bunnies give money?

Post by bloodcool »

Palmjill wrote:
telemwill wrote:
Akmawmaw wrote:And just to prove your point, katgames, cats can't be trapped. Yes. I tried. Crazy is as crazy does! Stoopid cat wouldn't come no matter how many times I called it over! And I put smoked salmon in that fancy dish! Fresh caught Pacific right out of the little chief, no less! What a waste of Salmon!
Try turning the cat bowl around. Mine will come when called. During one of the challenges here, we took out all the doors in the house. The cat mostly stayed inside, but occasionally I would find him outside and have to put in a temporary door to lure him back.
When the cat bowl is placed against a wall the food part must be on the R hand side, otherwise the cat will not be able to access it. I also was wondering why some of my cats wouldn't come when called! :lol:
Needless to say, dogs are much less fussy ;)
They also won't fall through beds... :lol:
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Re: Do bunnies give money?

Post by Akmawmaw »

Prissy Puff!
Prissy Puff!
Okay, it wasn't the cat who was stoopid! :oops: I have never gotten a cat to come when called. Ever. I suppose all my dishes, scratching posts and beds have all been placed incorrectly! I had given up. I figured they were cats, of course they don't come...unless they want to. But. What do you know! I trapped a cat! Puff was perfectly content staying put. Slept, played, pounced. Could have cared less about being corralled. But never dug a single simolean until I freed her and she scampered off to dig up ***wait for it*** a single simolean! True story. ;)
Here, kitty, kitty
Here, kitty, kitty
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Re: Do bunnies give money?

Post by hipmomx2 »

bloodcool wrote:
animagif wrote:This got me thinking; has anyone tried boxing in a dog or a cat? I imagine boxing them in would make searching for them easier when they meow/bark to get the treasure.
then u need to box a dog in an enclose outdoor area, like the one in medieval castle or scandinavian house since they have to dig on outdoor (and they can dig on pool pavement :roll: )
Hello. This is PETA calling... I see you have all your animals trap and you have a bear skin on your bed. Is that fake fur? Lol
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