disappearing lp's

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disappearing lp's

Post by fritzal »

when I went to bed I had earned several LP's with a total of 64, this morning I checked and only had 53 and I had not used any. This game is a lot like Groundhog Day... constantly doing things then not getting credit for goals then asks for the same thing as if you never did anything. Is there an answer for this or just deal with it? Does this relate to being out of town?
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Re: disappearing lp's

Post by JKCher »

I haven't experienced that, although last week I had to re-do some stuff after they'd been doing their maintenance but it I didn't lose anything. I'm not sure what the problem could be, maybe send a ticket to FireMonkeys about it. I've had good experience with them helping me.

Hopefully some others have some suggestions for you.
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Re: disappearing lp's

Post by HordePrime »

fritzal wrote:when I went to bed I had earned several LP's with a total of 64, this morning I checked and only had 53 and I had not used any. This game is a lot like Groundhog Day... constantly doing things then not getting credit for goals then asks for the same thing as if you never did anything. Is there an answer for this or just deal with it? Does this relate to being out of town?
A hiccup like this can sometimes happen - usually when you go to a neighbour's town. Parts of the game go back in time and you can lose money, progress towards goals and such.

What I try and do is force-quit the game and restart it just before I visit a neighbour's town. I'm not sure if this actually helps, but it couldn't hurt!

Also, always save your game before you visit a neighbour's town. If worst comes to worst, you can always restore it.
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Re: disappearing lp's

Post by Rosie_58 »

fritzal wrote:when I went to bed I had earned several LP's with a total of 64, this morning I checked and only had 53 and I had not used any. This game is a lot like Groundhog Day... constantly doing things then not getting credit for goals then asks for the same thing as if you never did anything. Is there an answer for this or just deal with it? Does this relate to being out of town?
I've been having the same problem, but I have been saving to the cloud whenever I earn LP's and if I lose them if my game crashes or closes I download my saved data. Which I have been doing a lot since the Teen update. So strange that some days my game my close once or twice...other days my game closes every few minutes for hours. But I am talking about my Android device which has had a few updates since the Teen update first came out. It was pretty good before the maintence that happened a few days ago...then got worse again. And today it was closing all morning...now I been playing for about an hour without it closing, so strange!
Last edited by Rosie_58 on 16 Nov 2013, 16:43, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: disappearing lp's

Post by fritzal »

what can you do if you make a lot of LP/simoleons while you have a sim ot a neighbors and can't save to the cloud?
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Re: disappearing lp's

Post by Rosie_58 »

fritzal wrote:what can you do if you make a lot of LP/simoleons while you have a sim ot a neighbors and can't save to the cloud?
I don't know of a way to save to the cloud while visiting a neighbor's town. I stopped doing the social goals on my android device so I can save to the cloud when I earn LP's.
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Re: disappearing lp's

Post by babhiemiao29 »

fritzal wrote:what can you do if you make a lot of LP/simoleons while you have a sim ot a neighbors and can't save to the cloud?
Im afraid there's nothing you can do since the app doesn't allow you to save whenever you have a sim out of town.

I always quit/force exit my SFP app before checking on my sims who are out of town to avoid loses as much as possible.

Or else I set all my sims to tasks that takes hours before saving to the cloud and THEN send a sim to a neighbor

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