What are your current "goals?"

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Re: What are your current "goals?"

Post by dichantra »

I'm on level 36, aim is to get to level 38 to be able to add another sim
Also trying to find those impossible resources to get the teen idol mansion
Also plodding my way through neighbours goals to earn enough so to build my first houseboat
Want to reach the end of fishing & fashion hobby ...... Becoming so boring :x
Then I may be able to relax & enjoy the game with a little redesigning/decorating as I have been so inspired by neighbours homes that I want to create some business.
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Re: What are your current "goals?"

Post by LizInBklyn »

My goals for now are:

(1) Save up 10 mystery box keys (like everyone else..) - I only recently started playing, so I'm in my third mystery box week, with only 2 keys saved so far.

(2) Hobbying - I'd like to have at least one Sim at the highest level of each of the hobbies; am working on this. I have only woodworking to this point so far, but I'm actively working on diving, ghost-hunting (so close!), fashion design, fishing, ballet, and figure skating.

(3) Finish the quests! - am on the "Higher Education" quest, and have the "Road to Fame" after that; would like to finish the quests before the new holiday update comes out.

(4) Finish town buildings - I still need to construct Sim Town High (will be part of current quest), the Competition Center, and the Car Dealer. I also have a few workplaces left (Recording Studio, Real Estate Agency).

(5) Save enough simoleons for the 2 story mansion - far off, especially since I'm using my simoleons to finish the town buildings first.

(6) Get to level 36 - I really, really want the hamburger plant. I'm only level 27 now, so this will take a while.
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Re: What are your current "goals?"

Post by Hufflepuff Karen »

LizInBklyn wrote:My goals for now are:

(2) Hobbying - I'd like to have at least one Sim at the highest level of each of the hobbies; am working on this. I have only woodworking to this point so far, but I'm actively working on diving, ghost-hunting (so close!), fashion design, fishing, ballet, and figure skating.
Ballet is easier if you stretch at the barre in the community center. Forget the pirouettes until after you reach level 6. Stretching gets you to pro level in about an hour, but you have to keep after them for the 30 second stretches - progress is in double digit % until the very end and then it's still something like 4%. It goes really quickly - I discovered it by accident!
I think, therefore, I Sim! (Or I did before they told me to "harvest" them)
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Re: What are your current "goals?"

Post by LizInBklyn »

Hufflepuff Karen wrote: Ballet is easier if you stretch at the barre in the community center. Forget the pirouettes until after you reach level 6. Stretching gets you to pro level in about an hour, but you have to keep after them for the 30 second stretches - progress is in double digit % until the very end and then it's still something like 4%. It goes really quickly - I discovered it by accident!
Wow - thanks for the tip! I shifted my pre-teen away from the pirouettes and into stretching. Am already amazed by how quickly she's progressing - went from the 2nd level to the 4th level in just a few stretches.
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Re: What are your current "goals?"

Post by bloodcool »

1) 3 more keys to open that big big box... That is to say, its been 7 weeks since the last update

2) Get to level 49 to unlock another Sim, currently at level 45
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Re: What are your current "goals?"

Post by blackbrit »

bloodcool wrote:1) 3 more keys to open that big big box... That is to say, its been 7 weeks since the last update

2) Get to level 49 to unlock another Sim, currently at level 45
bloodcool, this is one of my goals, too, but I accidentally "threw away" one of the keys on box number one, and used one on purpose on box number one before I knew any better. So, please take a screen shot of the contents when you get it! I'm afraid it will be anti-climactic, but I'd still rather wait. Some how I only have four keys... Oh well.
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Re: What are your current "goals?"

Post by calleighwolfe »

Nice topic :)

My next goals are:
1) Build a two-story mansion or a Scandinavian House in a Premium Lot, it depends on what I get first.
2) Reach the highest level on Fishing and Diving. I'm in level 35 and I still haven't unlocked the first collection for these two hobbies.
3) A weather machine. I don't have any 'cause I lost my previous game back in July so I started again and now I have to buy it xD.

My previous goal was to get a firepole and I got it today :D. I saved 1,500,000 all by myself :D.
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Re: What are your current "goals?"

Post by espressonist »

Buy a premium house boat.

Make a house on the island for all my comic book inspired characters. (Possibly a hero house, and a villain house. Then, a Disney inspired house? My island folks will be weird. ...)

Unlock the Teen Idol Mansion.
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Re: What are your current "goals?"

Post by LizInBklyn »

Have anyone else's goals changed since the update? On my end, I'm less concerned with getting to level 36 - as the hamburger plant (the reason why I wanted to get there) has changed from 12 hours to 18 hours. (I need a 12 hour plant!)

Also - my goal to buy the two story mansion is much closer, given that its price has come down significantly.

Here's where I stand on my other original goals:
(1) Mystery box keys - I'm finishing up the quests for my 4th key (at 93% now); this is still a goal.

(2) Hobbying - I'm at the top level now for woodworking, ballet, and figure skating. I'm still working on: ghost hunting (7/8), fishing (4/6), fashion design (4/6), diving (3/6), karate (2/6) - and I suppose music writing (5/6), but I'm not sure what happens at the highest level here, since none of the notes appear to be locked at lower levels.

(3) Finishing quests - I'm done with Higher Education and the Road to Fame - so just working on building monuments and the sign until more holiday quests come up. (I was worried I wouldn't get the holiday quests if I was still mid-quest on something else, but that didn't turn out to be the case.)

(4) Finishing town buildings - I'm closer now. Just have the real estate agency and the car dealership to go.


New goals for now include: decorating for Christmas! (This is requiring alot of LP, so I have many of my Sims continuously woodworking to earn them.) and earning enough SP for a premium houseboat (wasn't unlocked for me before). I'd also like more weather machines, as it'd be nice to have it snow in more places.
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Re: What are your current "goals?"

Post by calleighwolfe »

LizInBklyn wrote:Have anyone else's goals changed since the update? On my end, I'm less concerned with getting to level 36 - as the hamburger plant (the reason why I wanted to get there) has changed from 12 hours to 18 hours. (I need a 12 hour plant!).
Mine did :). Before the update I wasn't even thinking about the two-story mansion or the Scandinavian House but now I am. Especially the premium one 'cause it seems it brings a pool now :D.
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