I'm on level 55 and my town is worth over 122 million.
Thanks in advance.
I accepted your request but I don’t see your town on my list…can you see mine?
Hi!! Thank you!
Yes, I can see your town on my list.
I'm on Facebook! Just ask It might take me a while to answer, but I will
Level 55. TV: 124,171,224 HFN: Starter House Haunted House: 1 EastSide Tutti Frutti Update
Signature updated on March 17th, 2022
I accepted your request but I don’t see your town on my list…can you see mine?
Hi!! Thank you!
Yes, I can see your town on my list.
Guess, you need to renew the connection game/Facebook. For a while already we have to regularly about every 2 months. There are screenshots at that topic: https://simsfp.perturbee.net/viewtopic. ... 250#p78250 which may help to find the related settings on Facebook.
It will also work if you log out an in again within the game.
FreePlay 2000, 5.90.0
iOS 18.2.1
HFN 3 Eastside includes cat and dog. Haunted House 1 Museums Boulevard and Volcano View
Hello everyone ^^ So, I'm in level 30 and I feel the need to add a neighbor aside from the default one provided by the game. The thing is, based on what I've read and seen, most of the Sims Freeplay players linked their fb accounts and not their google play service accounts. i actually used the latter.. hehe. Is it possible to add someone here as a neighbor even if they're using fb accounts to play? and can you drop your sim towns so i can add them?
AutumnParadox09 wrote: 30 Mar 2022, 23:35
Hello everyone ^^ So, I'm in level 30 and I feel the need to add a neighbor aside from the default one provided by the game. The thing is, based on what I've read and seen, most of the Sims Freeplay players linked their fb accounts and not their google play service accounts. i actually used the latter.. hehe. Is it possible to add someone here as a neighbor even if they're using fb accounts to play? and can you drop your sim towns so i can add them?
Welcome to the forum!
I have moved your post to the related topic. A lot of users have mentioned links to their FB profiles so they can be added. Just look at posts above your‘s. Feel also free to place a link to your FB Profile, so users can add you
For a while already the Google Play as well as the Apple Game Center accounts can‘t be used for neighbors in Sims FreePlay.
FreePlay 2000, 5.90.0
iOS 18.2.1
HFN 3 Eastside includes cat and dog. Haunted House 1 Museums Boulevard and Volcano View
Lindsey Kidd 99 wrote: 01 Apr 2022, 21:26
I need some neighbors if anyone wants to add me.
Indigo wrote: 03 May 2022, 12:54
Hello, I’m just looking for neighbors with a fire hydrant.
Welcome to the forum!
I have moved your post to the related topic. A lot of users have mentioned links to their FB profiles so they can be added. Just look at posts at the last few pages of this topic. Feel also free to place a link to your FB Profile, so users can add you
FreePlay 2000, 5.90.0
iOS 18.2.1
HFN 3 Eastside includes cat and dog. Haunted House 1 Museums Boulevard and Volcano View