(Facebook) I need a neighbor!

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Re: (Facebook) I need a neighbor!

Post by tnsketch »

I just thought I should put my name in here for anyone who needs neighbors. I am just starting out I am at level 17 now.
If you do send me a friend request please message me here so I know to go on facebook and accept thank you.
Nicole stepp on facebook If you go to friend me on facebook message me here so I know to go on and accept. My neighbor house is # 20 west side it is still a work in progress because I am still new to the game thank you!
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Re: (Facebook) I need a neighbor!

Post by raspberry »

I'm looking for neighbors too.
Last edited by raspberry on 20 Oct 2014, 13:56, edited 6 times in total.
House for neighbors at starter house
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Re: (Facebook) I need a neighbor!

Post by tnsketch »

Raspberry the url you have there takes people to their facebook profiles.
I took mine (facebook.com/tnstepp?_rdr#) then erased the tnstepp?rdr# and put raspberry
So I did (facebook.com/raspberry)
and befrinded that person so if you get a friend request from nicole stepp ( That's me!) You need to put
instead of the url you have there. If you don't get a friend request from me then I just befriended a total stranger for no reason oopsi!
Nicole stepp on facebook If you go to friend me on facebook message me here so I know to go on and accept. My neighbor house is # 20 west side it is still a work in progress because I am still new to the game thank you!
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Re: (Facebook) I need a neighbor!

Post by raspberry »

Thanks, tnsketch! I fixed the link. You befriended a stranger, sorry!
House for neighbors at starter house
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Re: (Facebook) I need a neighbor!

Post by tnsketch »

Oppsi woulden't be the the only facebook friend I don't know. I have a fire hydrant at # 20 west side also the only house with an african american in it currently. Most of my houses are verry small because I had to sell off rooms to make simoliens for a quest. I hope to make that house my neighbor house. I' m only on level17 so the town is still in development.

I just got the fire hydrant today and I have a sim in someone else town so it might not be in the town for you untill my sim comes back and I can save my game to the cloud. I'll make sure to bring him back and save game as soon as he is done if fire hydrant isn't there today it will be there tommarrow.
Nicole stepp on facebook If you go to friend me on facebook message me here so I know to go on and accept. My neighbor house is # 20 west side it is still a work in progress because I am still new to the game thank you!
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Re: (Facebook) I need a neighbor!

Post by raspberry »

I was able to use your fire hydrant right away, thanks a lot.
House for neighbors at starter house
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Re: (Facebook) I need a neighbor!

Post by tnsketch »

Oh good your welcome.
Nicole stepp on facebook If you go to friend me on facebook message me here so I know to go on and accept. My neighbor house is # 20 west side it is still a work in progress because I am still new to the game thank you!
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Re: (Facebook) I need a neighbor!

Post by mconanan »

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Re: (Facebook) I need a neighbor!

Post by KrisluvsKPop »

New to the forum and new to SFP. I'm currently working on Need For Steed and I'm on lvl 18. My town is not that developed yet. I have 7 houses so far with 16 sims including two babies.

House 11 Westside has married couple Gloria & Greer with their baby Spencer. House 21 Westside has married couple Casey & Andrew with their baby Chelan and live in babysitter Truth (I know the game doesn't require 24/7 supervision of babies but I prefer it, lol - she's even sat for Spencer sometimes! Btw Truth is single - just varying degrees of friendships everywhere.).

I have married couples without kids at 22 Westside and at 3 Eastside. I have "waiting to get married" partners at 3 Firehouse and at 1 Eastside. Single guy Henry (no plans to pair him, either) is at 2 Museum Blvd. I might move him in with the family at 11 Westside though and get rid of his current house but he'll remain single.

ETA: Henry does live at 11 West Side now with Gloria, Greer and Spencer and I've demolished the dwelling at 2 Museum Blvd.. So 6 houses in total but still 14 adult sims and 2 babies.

No designated HFN yet but current amenities shared between my houses are:
mirror (in bedroom at 21 Westside)
fire hydrants (at 22 Westside & 3 Eastside)
telescopes (same places as firehydrants)
movie cameras (at 21 Westside and at 3 Firehouse)
auction podium (at 1 Eastside)
artist easel (at 11 Westside)
dog (at 11 Westside)
fashion studios (at 3 Eastside, & at 11, 21 and 22 Westside)
soccer balls (at 3 Firehouse, 1 Eastside and ETA: 11 West Side.)
teacher's chalkboard (at 21 Westside)
toyota guitar (the free one; at 11 Westside)

If you still want to add me despite my meagre offerings, my Facebook (I'm on android tablet so I only have FB) is https://www.facebook.com/krista.cole

I would say I'm actively gaming on SFP and working on developing my town. I'm dreading the auto aging quest, though. :/ I thought it would bother me in Virtual Villagers games too, though and I got over that so there's hope for me yet to get used to sims having life cycles too. ^_^

I'm stuck at 6 SP waiting to get me a preteen to call Grandma from someone else's town. >.< My LP's are precious I'm not spending them to skip tasks I know I will be able to do/won't mind doing eventually, lol.

If there's something you need me to include in my town to accomplish your tasks if/when you visit my town, just let me know and if it's unlocked to me and I can afford it, I'll gladly add that for you.

Looking forward to having more neighbors to visit. ^_^

~Kris :)
Last edited by KrisluvsKPop on 07 Sep 2014, 11:00, edited 1 time in total.
~Kris :)
If there's only a follow button on my FB, msg me here & I'll temporarily adjust my FB settings to everyone so you can add me as your neighbour.
HFN 3 Firehouse Road
Last quest done: LD&L
Dream Homes updated
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Re: (Facebook) I need a neighbor!

Post by Diyeni »

Hello fellow Simmers! My facebook is http://www.facebook.com/Diyeni feel free to add me and just add a quick message that its for Sims Freeplay. Thanks! :D
Sadly I don't have a pet farm. :(
Feel free to add me on facebook.
(Just add a quick msg that its for Simsfp | No msg. No add. Sorry its a personal acct)
Its http://www.facebook.com/Diyeni
HFN is at 22 Westside
***Town is under construction. Please excuse the mess. Thanks!***
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