If you only save via Game Center, there is a big chance for your FB neighbours to see Zombies.Rosewood Debi wrote:I've had the same problems since the update, but since I'm using iPad, I just use Game Center only. I'm able to connect and save to the cloud through GC and receive my mail and party boat gifts! I miss visiting some neighbors I had that were Facebook only, but as long as I can save, I'm okay with just using GC! Don't know what my Sims look like, but at least I can save. I hope they don't look like "The Walking Dead!"
I always save twice, via FB then log out, force close the game, wait about 20 - 30 minutes, save via GC, then log in to FB again. The number of neighbours on top of the boat often shows "1", but if I tap the globe or partyboat, the list is complete.
In my game the auto log out has changed. It does not happen every time I close the game, but every time after force close. So I only force close the game, when I don't need the full neighbours list. But I really hope, this issue is solved soon.