A stork has landed with a surprise. Baby on board! They try to grab the stork to attach a note to its legs, but it flies away too fast. This makes things a little harder, but they still love each other and try to make the best of it. This new baby takes their minds off their predicament for a while. Luckily there was some instant milk powder somewhere in the back of a cupboard left, so the baby doesn't starve.
- Bake some Pancakes (as baby food preparation time).
- Make the relationship between baby and both Sims at least Friend, tend to the baby's needs. If you don't have a baby, have both Sims read a Biography.
- Have one Sim do Fashion Design for 1 hour to make clothes for the baby.
- Time to call for help again, one Sim gets to be “On Hold with Tech Support” today. The other needs to consult an encyclopaedia about child care.
- No careers levelling today, more hobbying is fine.