Visiting sim returns home immediately after finishing action

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Re: Visiting sim returns home immediately after finishing ac

Post by ErinPW »

Palmjill wrote:
settie wrote:I did that yesterday but still no luck! (bringing them to town just before I start the goal) I might have to spend the 5LPs to skip this one at this rate. I could see the fully-planted pumpkins but my inspired sim just immediately returned home and it didn't register as completed :(
Sounds like a bug then. Might be less aggravating just to skip this and the hibernate one. No harm submitting a bug report as well.
It's not a bug. Our sims run home after 24 hours. It's recommended to save to the cloud often, at least once a day. We cannot save while a sim is at a neighbors town.

The only way to get the harvest and complete this goal without spending LPs is the advice of bloodcool: "Try to find a garden plot that's far from the letterbox, so that you get enough time to collect the pumpkin while your return Sim is walking out..."
Hufflepuff Karen wrote:I'm afraid to leave my Sims in other neighborhoods. Too many stories about trapped Sims. [snip]
When my sims do long tasks at the neighborhood, I manually save to the cloud, because the auto-save does not work properly. In case anything bad happens, I can reset and download my game without a big loss of progress.
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Re: Visiting sim returns home immediately after finishing ac

Post by Palmjill »

Not a bug? My bad. Have never actually attempted to do any 24 hour neighbour goals. Pretty mean not to give adequate time for one to pick up the pumpkins and complete the goal though. Good advice, bloodcool!
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Re: Visiting sim returns home immediately after finishing ac

Post by settie »

ErinPW wrote:
Palmjill wrote:
settie wrote:I did that yesterday but still no luck! (bringing them to town just before I start the goal) I might have to spend the 5LPs to skip this one at this rate. I could see the fully-planted pumpkins but my inspired sim just immediately returned home and it didn't register as completed :(
Sounds like a bug then. Might be less aggravating just to skip this and the hibernate one. No harm submitting a bug report as well.
It's not a bug. Our sims run home after 24 hours. It's recommended to save to the cloud often, at least once a day. We cannot save while a sim is at a neighbors town.

The only way to get the harvest and complete this goal without spending LPs is the advice of bloodcool: "Try to find a garden plot that's far from the letterbox, so that you get enough time to collect the pumpkin while your return Sim is walking out..."
Hufflepuff Karen wrote:I'm afraid to leave my Sims in other neighborhoods. Too many stories about trapped Sims. [snip]
When my sims do long tasks at the neighborhood, I manually save to the cloud, because the auto-save does not work properly. In case anything bad happens, I can reset and download my game without a big loss of progress.
thanks for all the advice
hopefully third time lucky tomorrow!
GC: -=[settie]=-
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